Mining + Logistics
From the Internet of Things to AI learning, the industry is embracing technology like never before. Whether you are designing, mining, shipping, constructing or analysing, real-time access to your company’s people, machinery, technology and data will give your company the edge.

Get real-time data from every piece of equipment on your
site – underground, aboveground or in transit.
With Insite, gain maximum insight and vision on your productivity and safety.
From enhancing products and services through to optimising internal business operations, the ability to utilise more portable and fixed networks with local high-capacity and low-latency processing capabilities means that you can respond to operational changes and scale easily and efficiently as your production needs grow.
Why use Insite
- We deliver enterprise-grade connectivity for your core business applications and operations to metro, regional and international sites, for a fraction of the time it takes to install a fixed data connection
- We work with companies to improve health, safety and operational efficiencies by implementing real-time location and trace intelligence through custom mobile applications, wearables, asset tags and simplex to complex geofencing designs
- Fleet management systems using wireless networks collecting data from equipment enabling preventative maintenance and minimising downtime
- Technology integration for remote control rooms, distribution centres and logistics

Problems with your Communications & IT?
Get in touch to speak to one of our communication specialists, and learn how you can become our plus one.