Corporate Social Responsibility Policy

1. Introduction

Insite Communications is committed to conducting business in a socially responsible and ethical manner. We recognize our responsibility to contribute positively to the community that supports us and to the environment that sustains us. This policy outlines our commitment to a CSR program that integrates social and environmental concerns into our business operations.

2. CSR Commitment

Insite Communications pledges to:

  • Uphold ethical business practices and maintain transparency in our operations.
  • Foster a workplace environment that promotes employee well-being, diversity, and inclusion.
  • Engage in community development and support charitable causes.
  • Implement sustainable practices to minimize our environmental footprint.

3. Mission Statement

Insite Communications is dedicated to fostering a sustainable future through responsible business practices. Our mission is to create long-term value for our stakeholders while minimizing our environmental impact. We are committed to continuous improvement in our sustainability efforts, innovation in eco-friendly technologies, and leadership in corporate environmental responsibility. We strive to not only comply with environmental standards but to set new benchmarks for sustainability in the industry.

4. CSR Pillars

4.1 Ethical Business Practices

  • We will comply with all applicable laws and regulations and expect our partners and suppliers to do the same.
  • We will maintain a zero-tolerance policy towards corruption and ensure fair competition.
  • We will protect the privacy and data of our customers and employees.

4.2 Social Welfare

  • We will support community initiatives and encourage employee participation in volunteer activities.
  • We will contribute to charitable organizations and support causes aligned with our values.
  • We will strive to create a diverse and inclusive workplace that reflects the community we serve.

4.3 Environmental Sustainability

  • We will manage our resources sustainably and reduce waste through recycling and conservation efforts.
  • We will invest in energy-efficient technologies and aim to reduce our carbon emissions.
  • We will conduct regular environmental impact assessments and set measurable sustainability goals.

5. Goals

5.1 Switch to 100% renewable energy by October 2024

As at June 2024, Insite commits to switch to renewable energy by December 2024. We will do this through the grid using Greenpower: Nearly every energy retailer in Australia has an accredited Greenpower renewable energy offering, which is certified by the government, and allows anyone (residential or commercial) to buy renewable energy through the grid.




Understand our Energy Use

Sustainability Advocate

Completed April 2024

Get Leadership Buy-in

Sustainability Advocate

Completed June 2024

Review options for switching

Sustainability Advocate

Finance and Admin

Starting June 2024

Make business case for switching

Sustainability Advocate

Executive Sponsor

Starting July 2024

Determine Implementation Plan

Sustainability Advocate


August 2024

Make the switch

Sustainability Advocate

Finance and Admin

August 2024

Announce to the business

Sustainability Advocate

Executive Sponsor

September 2024

5.2 Achieve ISO 14001:2015 Certification by June 2025

As at June 2024, Insite commits to obtaining certification in the ISO 14001:2025 Environmental Management system.





Obtain Quality Standards

Sustainability Advocate

August 2024

Get Leadership Buy-in

Sustainability Advocate

August 2024

Create Project Team

Sustainability Advocate


September 2024

Conduct Gap Analysis

Sustainability Advocate


October 2024

Refine and Develop Process

Sustainability Advocate


February 2025

Undergo External Audit

Sustainability Advocate

Executive Sponsor


June 2025

Announce to the business

Sustainability Advocate

Executive Sponsor

June 2025

6. Governance

  • A CSR committee will oversee the implementation of this policy, comprising representatives from various departments.
  • The committee will be responsible for setting objectives, monitoring progress, and reporting on our CSR activities.
  • We will review and update our CSR policy annually to reflect new challenges and opportunities.

This committee will consist of:

  • Managing Director
  • Operations Manager

The Managing Director will be the Executive Sponsor

The Operations Manager will be the Sustainability Advocate

7. Policy Updates

We reserve the right to amend, alter, or otherwise change this Corporate Social Responsibility Policy (CSR) at our sole and absolute discretion. 

8. Questions

If you have any questions about the CSR policy, please contact us using the details below:

Insite Communications 
3 Dunlop St,
Bowen Hills, Queensland, 4006.

E: [email protected]


Get in touch to speak to one of our communication specialists, and how you can become our plus one.

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